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Follow mrlemarquis on Twitter If you want to make a comment but can't find the "make a comment" box, which keeps on disappearing, just send it either to twitter, facebook or to me at: , and I'll maybe publish it for you....Only said maybe....! Here's the latest one: (Who IS this guy called Keith.....) "I just wanted to leave a comment to say that (from personal experience), although you get a bit stinky for the first few weeks, after that you don't get any stinkier! And those olives do look nice, don't they? All the best" Keith

hungry?Thanks to Tina Concetta Marzocca.

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here it wanted it....!

somebody (!) wanted to know so here it is...

simple local vegetables

Monday 16 September 2013

From Great Britain....

Finally, to let you know - I will be continuing this subject in the future with 'Lancashire Hotpot' - 'Black peas' - pasties - sausage rolls and all those kind of things that can be used at your hot or cold buffet....see ya then....!
 Most people, worldwide, know this, 'the traditional British Breakfast', served with French Fries, it's called a 'fry up', and is probably the worst thing for your arteries which exists - this doesn't stop the British from eating it a million times every morning! Apart from this dish and its derivatives, there are other lesser known dishes which make up a main meal.
The point of this article is to give you links and tips regarding these lesser known dishes which are mainly eaten on Mondays or Tuesdays, since their main ingredients are 'left-overs' from the weekend, notably the famous Sunday roast, like........
BUBBLE & SQUEAK..... so named for various reasons both from the noises it makes in the pan and afterwards.....!
Simple and quick to prepare because all the ingredients are already cooked here is a recipe (the egg and the bacon are optional): ....In Scotland, it is called  'Rumbledethumps - I wonder why..!
Another well known dish is 'Yorkshire Pudding', which is neither a pudding, nor does it come uniquely from Yorkshire! What must be kept in mind is that meat was very expensive for labourers, almost beyond their possibilities, so - when they did have it, it required all kinds of things with it to make the meat go further, roast potatoes, vegetables, meat gravy, and this Yorkshire pudding. People tell me they can't make it, but there is really nothing difficult - you have to have the 'moulds' and they should be really hot from the oven BEFORE you pour your batter mix into them
Yorkshire Puddings
TOAD IN THE HOLE.... No - this has nothing to do with frogs or its big brother, the Toad........Toad in the Hole Recipe, British recipes, British food It's actually a way of cooking Yorkshire Pudding again, but as a main course, with sausages. The only problem I could imagine, outside of Britain, is getting the right sausages, but chipolatas can be used, just cut if's your recipe:
The problem here is that it does really need a 'gravy' but no meat juices are available, or very little. For once, I'll go along with the use of granular powders such as 'Bisto' which is relatively neutral in taste. Of course, you can make your own 'jus' at the expense of time, effort and money.

Tip of the day: poach eggs - put a couple of small teaspoons of white vinegar in the water - bring it to lightly bubbling and crack the eggs in - don't let it boil, and when cooked (ie the white is firm, but the yolk is still runny) lift the eggs out and into iced water - they can be slid into hottish water when required for a dish like 'Eggs Florentine' for example.....!
Or eggs benedictine.....or with toasted bread ('marmite soldiers')..... to dip in the yolk.....

Bonne Appétit!

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Lecker...Tasty... Appétissante

Des bonnes choses - de presque partout...! Leckereien von fast Uberall...! Tasty things from almost everywhere...! *********
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******* iwmpop (mr le marquis)- Vauvert, France - Janvier 2011