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hungry?Thanks to Tina Concetta Marzocca.

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simple local vegetables

Tuesday 8 November 2011

I'm game - it's wild......!

Wild RezepteIn German, it's called "wild" - coming from the fact that it's a source of supply from the uncontrolled free countryside, or supposed to be, in English, it's called "game" - you'll have to figure that out for yourself!
Becoming rarer and rarer, due to economic as well as environmental problems (a large number of wild animals are affected by radiation, by simple eradication of their lifespaces and of course by "culls" - the eradication of their species at the end of the day), "Game" or "Wild" is a rather expensive luxury nowadays, unless you are a hunter yourself, or have access to people who are.
This is a shame, because originally, game actually was a better choice than the domesticated animal, simply because they ate the food they scratched for and found naturally, whereas the domesticated animals are fed - targeted diats for the production of muscle (meat)- irrespective in general of the taste or quality.Kaninchen einfach und schnell
I have a tendency to arrange the general term "Game" or "Wild" into categories which show the animals (more and more of them) which are becoming "normal" and almost domesticated. Rabbits for example, are farmed, but the so are deer, ostrich, and many others.
The truly "wild" (that is savage - free roaming) are becoming fewer and fewer, and this fact leads the human population to start breeding - the human being always likes to be in charge and get what he wants, when he wants it, on his table (and elsewhere)- something only arrangable by breeding. Unfortunately breeding reduces geberally the quality and taste, but certain animals are difficult - if not impossible - to breed.
Hase im RotweinsoßeHare is one of them, although it does happen.
Other strictly "wild" animals are boar (wild pig) Wildschwein in Rotwein  and generally "stag" (venison) - although deer meat is often reared on "farms" nowadays.Bacon-Wrapped Rack of Venison In general, the meats are all used in similar recipes as for other domesticated meats, bearing in mind that often the truly "wild" animal will probably have a much stronger taste than it's domesticated counterpart, which is the main reason that slightly "sweet-sour" sauces are used, and garnishes tend to have "sharp" items such as deep red cherries, quite sharp in taste - or ..
"Cranberry" sauce, also relatively sharpish - although in various garnishes other fruits are used, such as pears or even peaches, and I have seen and tasted  "Kiwis" in use with game dishes. Here is a little link to get you started....
Of course, "Game"  or "Wild" would not be complete without mention of all those feathered members of the breed. Partridges, Grouse, Pheasant  even wild Duck and Geese, all of them make up the larder as well. The smallest "quail" are now so often breeded, that I don't honestly consider them within the category "game".
There are "hunters" (at least they call themselves so) who shoot even the common sparrow - to be frank, this is not only criminal, but stupid. When a "songbird" is hit by a large calibre cartridge, there is NOTHING left over to eat!
Songbirds are there to sing, so let 'em sing.....!
It's a sort of "gentleman's agreement" - so - sing on.......!  Here is a link to charm you all with their little noises.....

Finally, although "wild" or "game" is available all year round, there are certain periods when you can be sure that it is frozen and not fresh, during the "brooding" season. It's illegal, almost everywhere to hunt and kill during the breeding season. In the same way, there are periods when the meat is best, in Autumn, mainly, and always remember (if you're a huntsman) any animal (even the human being) is more tender when killed in ambush rather than after a long chase!
The reason is simple - a chase makes the muscle hardening natural product "adrenalin" pump through the flesh, making it much more tough to chew!  Even animals know this......
In French, for those who live here, the collective word for "Game" is "Gibier" and covers all (feathered or not) varieties. A hunter in French is a "Chasseur" and he is a dangerous species, blasting as he does at anything that moves in the local vineyards.......!

Bonne Appétit! 


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Des bonnes choses - de presque partout...! Leckereien von fast Uberall...! Tasty things from almost everywhere...! *********
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******* iwmpop (mr le marquis)- Vauvert, France - Janvier 2011