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Follow mrlemarquis on Twitter If you want to make a comment but can't find the "make a comment" box, which keeps on disappearing, just send it either to twitter, facebook or to me at: , and I'll maybe publish it for you....Only said maybe....! Here's the latest one: (Who IS this guy called Keith.....) "I just wanted to leave a comment to say that (from personal experience), although you get a bit stinky for the first few weeks, after that you don't get any stinkier! And those olives do look nice, don't they? All the best" Keith

hungry?Thanks to Tina Concetta Marzocca.

Actuelle informations...New....Neu....

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here it wanted it....!

somebody (!) wanted to know so here it is...

simple local vegetables

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Seasons greetings......Salut les Saisons.......

Typical serving of Spargel with Hollandaise sa...Image via Wikipedia
I agree completely with this little statement from Norbert, the chief Cook at:
(that's why I've translated it for you)

The above link will give you access to to the complete book of recipes, all in German! It'll give you a nice change in the daily routine, and it's all understandable......something different, but you'll also find World Classicals....

Norberts Anekdote vom Mittwoch
Keine 50 Tage mehr!

Obwohl ich ein Verfechter der saisonalen Küche bin, betrachte ich sie nicht als Dogma. Globalisierung ist inzwischen mehr als eine Selbstverständlichkeit, dementsprechend lag vorige Woche frischer Spargel aus Peru in unserem Supermarkt. Der Preis war eher lächerlich, 2,22 Euro für 500 Gramm. Ich kann nicht behaupten, einer Versuchung erlegen zu sein, trotzdem hat es mich gereizt. Ich wollte wissen, wie er schmeckt, zumal Optik und Frische nichts zu wünschen übrig ließen. Es gab keine Überraschung, der Spargel schmeckte auch wie 2,22 und war quasi aromafrei. Es war also keine Enttäuschung, sondern die Bestätigung, an meiner eigentlichen Überzeugung festzuhalten. Wenn man noch bedenkt, welchen Transportweg das Billigprodukt zurückgelegt hat, und alles andere was damit zusammenhängt, ist man gut beraten derartige Unsinnigkeiten zu boykottieren.

Es ist wieder soweit, der Kreislauf der Natur schließt sich. Langsam mag man keinen Rosenkohl und Grünkohl mehr sehen, die unbändige Lust auf einheimischen Spargel wächst. Noch eineinhalb Monate! Bis dahin werden uns Hähnchen mit Thymianreis, gekochte Kalbshaxe, Kartoffelgratin mit Roquefort u.a. Leckerbissen die Zeit verkürzen.

Viele Grüße & allzeit gutes Gelingen,
Ihr Norbert
ENGLISH: That things are globalised nowadays is normal, so I wasn't surprised to find Asparagus from Peru in the local Supermarket. The price of 2,22euros was amusingly low, and the appearance was excellent and left nothing required except the tasting, to put to the test the vast transport distances and quality.
Well, I wasn't disappointed - the Asparagus tasted like asparagus worth 2,22euros, and like asparagus that had been transported around the world! It wasn't so much a disappointment, more just another proof that avoiding these offers is the best thing to do. 
Once again the idiocy of mixing seasons has been proven.
Yes - cabbage and brussel sprouts are coming out of our ears right now, but the seasons are slowly arriving at their high point, and in around another month and a half we will access all of our own local products, with their known quality and taste. Until then, we can still enjoy our local chicken with thyme sauce, and other regional products, mixed with a little Roquefort cheese as an exotic while away the time...! 
Indeed - I would only add that in my little region of Southern France, I even give the first strawberries a miss. Not only is the price prohibitive, but the taste is totally absent, and is always a disappointment. Waiting just 14 days gives everything, and let's us finish off all those things still hanging over from Winter.
On top of that, we don't kill the planet with transport fumes......!
Just think about it......14 or 21 little days and it's all going to be there - available.....!

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METEO chez moi-Bei mir-my zone

This is what it's doing right now....or nearly! Go with your mouse to the image and click....

Lecker...Tasty... Appétissante

Des bonnes choses - de presque partout...! Leckereien von fast Uberall...! Tasty things from almost everywhere...! *********
European Goodies...! Slideshow: Mr’s trip from France to Europe (near Dieuze, Lorraine) was created by TripAdvisor. See another Dieuze slideshow. Create your own stunning free slideshow from your travel photos.
******* iwmpop (mr le marquis)- Vauvert, France - Janvier 2011