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hungry?Thanks to Tina Concetta Marzocca.

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simple local vegetables

Thursday 26 August 2010

On the same theme-Sur la même thème - Im gleichen Sinne...

Yesterday we saw the "Great British Breakfast" and that gave me the idea of a little series on the theme!
Gestern sahen Wir das Frühstück, Britische style heute schauen Wir etwas anderes an zur gleichen Thema!
Hier, on a vu "le petit déjeuner - a l'anglais", donc, aujourd'hui on va ailleurs mais sur la même thème!

   Not at all the same thing! "Frühstück"
hails from countries like Germany, Austria, Switzerland and others, and - literally translated means "early bit", just as "Breakfast" in English means "to interrupt fasting", whereas the French variety "petit déjeuner" means "small lunch" but can also be traced back to the use of the French word "a jaune" which means "without having eaten" (as in the case of a visit to the Doctor or for a Blood analysis - nothing to eat before it). Just to round it all off, in German the word used for this condition is "nüchtern" - Anyway - back to "Frühstück".
The most striking aspects of the German breakfast is also its size! It is often enormous, as is the true British variety, but the German version is striking by the use of so many different types of bread.
The other ingredients are generally cold, meat in charcuterie form, cheese, fresh fruit. The only exception is when a boiled egg is served, often added as a "Sunday Special". Although eggs are also used, mainly scrambled or boiled are the methods used, and scrambled is relatively rare.
 As in many countries, Breakfast is considered (by the experts) to be the most important meal of the day, and even in Britain it is considered important, to the point of being called "A Queens's Parade" within the British Army (this means a Parade at which the Queen is presumed present - A mandatory Parade for all - it's not really enforced anymore, but it was up to the 1950's/60's)No - the Germans' don't call it the "Kaiser's Parade", but they do spend a long time over this meal.
French people are often surprised by the time spent by German Tourists at Breakfast, but this also has an economic point - the Germans eat breakfast until around 1030am before going to the beach etc., because in that manner they can "skip" lunch at probably over expensive Restaurants!
Although nothing is really "forbidden" for German Breakfast (the Bavarians have a nasty habit of serving up "Leberkäse" for example) the normal ingredients are made up from these things and their derivients:
   My own personal favourite is the "mettwurst" (a sort of pork mince, cooked through marinading and salting) soft boiled eggs, and in particular those little round or oval bread rolls called "Brötchen" or "Semmeln" depending where you are , still warm, still sending their aroma everywhere and forcing you to over eat!
  Mind you - I'm not averse to a rollmop or a matjesfilet, nor even a Bismark herring......ALL day, not just for Breakfast....!
So there we are, Breakfast in German speaking countries, and although there are, as everywhere, all sorts of combinations, I try to present the standard or traditional favourites, along with a couple of my personal favourites....!
Next time around, we'll try to deal with the French, and their abnormal - asocial but so tasty habit of "dunking" their bread into the far too milky "café au lait".....!
Until then I'm signing off from my "German" rôle........
 Young lookin' Guy wasn't he......!
iwmpop(mrlemarquis)    -   30600 Vauvert, France     -    25-08-2010

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METEO chez moi-Bei mir-my zone

This is what it's doing right now....or nearly! Go with your mouse to the image and click....

Lecker...Tasty... Appétissante

Des bonnes choses - de presque partout...! Leckereien von fast Uberall...! Tasty things from almost everywhere...! *********
European Goodies...! Slideshow: Mr’s trip from France to Europe (near Dieuze, Lorraine) was created by TripAdvisor. See another Dieuze slideshow. Create your own stunning free slideshow from your travel photos.
******* iwmpop (mr le marquis)- Vauvert, France - Janvier 2011